Here's Why Your Explainer Video Should Be Telling a Story

Numerous ideas are emerging everyday and with the emerging ideas, communication is becoming complex. More and more businesses are opting to use explainer videos, so as to effectively communicate their ideas to their TGs. When using an explainer video to explain your offering, it is usually a good idea to use storytelling approach. Here's why.

Storytelling Helps Viewers Make Sense Out of Your Video

No matter how (visually) fascinating your animated explainer video is, if it talks about your offering in a disorderly manner, it probably won't make much sense to your viewers. Why? Because, in my opinion, when someone is watching your explainer video, he/she is more involved in listening to the video than in seeing the motion graphics (In fact, this is precisely why a low quality visual is still bearable but a noisy voiceover is highly annoying and totally unbearable to most viewers). The motion graphics (animated visual) are intended to support the background narration in order to clearly illustrate the message.

When the background narration and the supporting animation together put across your message through a nicely built, relatable story, then the video makes sense to the viewers and succeeds in creating a scene-by-scene, visual memory of your message.

Every Story Has a Climactic Moment That Could be Used Judiciously in an Explainer Video

If you've heard any influential speakers speaking to an audience and wondered what made their talks memorable, perhaps you'd have noticed a pattern. The pattern is, that whenever they want to emphasize on a noteworthy point, instead of coming to it directly, they'd start by sharing a curiosity-inducing anecdote and would keep building onto it until they reach a climactic moment. And when their story reaches that climactic moment, i.e. the moment when the listeners are totally captivated by their speech, the speakers reveal that noteworthy point for which the entire story was narrated. This is how they add an impact to the message they want to deliver.

Likewise, when you want your explainer video to make an impact, you could start by building a story around typical problem(s) your prospects face, pulling it up to a climactic moment, and then presenting your offering as a benefitting solution to those problems.

A Story Builds & Consolidates Your Message in a Sequential Manner

A story is nothing but a series of sequential events that occur one after another. Each event is based on the previous event. This inter-linking and sequencing of events consolidates the message in our memories, in an orderly manner. In fact, our brains are hardwired for narratives. Therefore, when you want your message to sink into the minds of your viewers, storytelling is one approach that probably won't disappoint you in doing so.


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